Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lets Get It Started..!!

When I was Form 3, my PMR result was not really good, lack one A for English Language, I admit that my English was not that good. During end of the year, I remember I followed my uncle went to KB to buy something. My uncle brought me to a book store, and asked what I wanted to buy and I took three reference books altogether, Physics, Chemistry And Additional Mathematics. After going back to home, I opened the books and started to read it. Wah, I was not understand anything at all. However, I read those books again and again, and somehow I was able to understand some of the topics. Year 2006 has come, I was already Form 4 that time. When I entered class of Additional Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, I found out that what I was going to learn was not something new, just because I have studied it before. Not to show how good I was, my Additional Mathematics mark was always 90++.

We always heard that we need to study before teachers taught us, but have we done it before? Moreover, how we can actually do it?

Form Six is not a playground for us, especially when we are under Lower Six. What we are going to learn during Lower Six is easier topics than what we are going to learn during Upper Six, and most of the topics we learn during Lower Six is basic for the topics for Upper Six. Many of us always think that for what we study hard for Lower Six, maybe we can get any offers from university after this, so they will just play during Lower Six. However, you may not understand what the word 'maybe' means. 'Maybe' means that it is not 100% you will get the offer, so can you really hope for that? If you are playing during Lower Six, then you are actually killed yourself during Upper Six.

To be well prepared is the most important in Form Six. What we are going to learn is something that we must prepare for it. You can manage your timetable yourself so that you are well prepared when you enter class tomorrow. Here is some good tips to arrange your own timetable:
1. Refer to your school timetable and make your own timetable.
2. Example, if your school timetable stated that you are going to have Mathematics T1 lesson tomorrow, then your timetable will have one slot for Mathematics T1 today.
3. Try to make a timetable that is not too stressful for yourself, if not it will 'kill' yourself.
4. Insert some entertainments in your timetable so that you can relax yourself and release tension.

There are many benefits when you are well prepared before teachers teach you. You can ask what we don't understand on the spot. Instead, if you don't know anything about the topics yet, you can't ask anything and will continue to confuse in your study. In addition, you can understand more about certain topics more clearly and you can teach others. These will make you better and better. So, don't even try to let yourself lazy to prepare before teachers teach. Malay saying 'sediakan payung sebelum hujan' is quite useful to make yourself better. Be well prepared and become a good student. Score well huh!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mathematics T2..

As always, paper two will be the hardest paper for any subject. So as Mathematics T2, it is actually as hard as Additional Mathematics Paper 2 but it is for Form Six students only.

Mathematics T2 is actually very easy for certain topics, such as Data Description and Probability. These topics actually are what we have learned in Form Five and Form Four. Almost 90% are same, except for certain new topic such as Poisson distribution. But, it is not something you must scare with 'cause it is very simple, remember the formula and understand what questions asked, you can do it very well.

The main problem in Mathematics T2 is how far you understand the questions and how far you understand the topics. This is because Mathematics T2 questions almost all include sentences, so if you are not good in english, it will be a problem for you.

From question number 1 to 7, the topics are not very easy for you to score. The topics include trigonometry, solution of triangle, vector and differential equation.
There is certain that you can easily score such as solution of triangle and trigonometry. For these two topics, you just have to remember the formulae and you can answer it easily. However, for vector and differential equation, it is not too easy for you to score. For differential equation, you may face one easy question that you only need to do it, but normally there is another question related to this topic that sometimes not easy to understand. This is because the question include sentences, and you have to interpret the data in the text into formula on your paper.

In addition, from number 8 to 12, normally the questions will ask you about data description and probability. Data description, which is the easiest topic, will only be asked once, the less will be about probability. For this section, you must score at least 90% of the overall mark, only that you can score for Mathematics T2. Remember also, in this section, you must answer all questions, don't leave any questions behind. The examiner can give you mark already even if you just write formula and subtitute the formula with information that you get.

Mathematics T2 need a lot of practices just like Mathematics T1. You can actually mix what you have learned in T1 with what you have learned in T2. The examiners actually not that strict in marking paper, they will feel sorry if see you made mistakes in exam and will try to help you out. Mathematics T2 is not for you to scare, but for you to score. :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010 it really worth to remind it again?

In Malaysia, we have to face many academic-based examinations such as UPSR,PMR,SPM and STPM. These are the main examinations that we really focus on it. However, after one exam and another exam, the previous exam become more meaningless. What we need to make sure is the last exam we took.

For SPM students, there are no doubt they will refer to their results so that they can enter university. But, if you don't get any offer into university, don't become so sad because there is STPM for you to take.

STPM is not a bad choice for us. We always heard that everyone talk bad about STPM. STPM is very scary, very difficult. However, is it really that difficult? If STPM is that scary, why did there always students who got CGPA 4.00 every year when the results are being announced? To be honest, if you are saying STPM scary and difficult, you are actually not confident of yourself! If not, why did you care so much about what people say? Why?

STPM, you no need to worry about your SPM result. SPM is already a history, no matter how much you get for SPM, either 9A,10A or 12A, it is totally not important in STPM. STPM is different, all you need to do is struggle for it, then I can be sure that you can get a better result than anyone else. Make the past as your best experiences, don't repeat your mistakes all over again. Don't let STPM fail you like SPM do again, that is what we must do, not run away from it.

I get 9A in SPM, but I can get 4A out of 4 subjects in STPM, how I can supposed to do it if I don't have the motivation to do it? If my mind is being screwed by previous results, sure I can't beat those score higher than me before. I have many friends that get results better than me before, but recently in STPM, my result is way better than them. So, do you think that SPM is the best judge for you to judge your STPM? Not! Definitely not. You can't judge like that, you must know how far you can go, how far you are going to go, and how far you want to surpass your friends. If you think that your friends with higher result before this can really win you again in STPM, then you are the real stupid.

STPM students more mature than the matriculation students that enter university, you will realize this when you enter university one day. See how far you can go with STPM, and makes a huge differences between you and them. But, not you are being left behind of course, you must always stay in front of them. Be proud of your STPM! SPM is not really worth for you to look at again, just hope that you will not make mistakes as what you have done in SPM, that is all you have to know about SPM. You can do it more than anyone else can, if and only if you want it. :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Study Skills..

Sometimes we blame ourselves for being stupid. But, is it true that we are stupid? We understand what teachers teach us, but finally, in the examination we fail to do it. What exactly happens to us? I'm sure that most of us will only blame ourselves for being so stupid cause we can't answer one simple question.

Everyone has their own history. I also have my very own history. As I know, I am not who I am today if I don't realize my own mistakes and take the chances to overcome it. My academic background is not very good though, 4A for UPSR, 6A for PMR, 9A for SPM and 4A for STPM. My result become better and better from each exam to the next exam. Well, I can only tell you that I only improved my skills each times I fail, this made me strong and improve my results. If that so, why you can't do it?

In addition, everyone has their own style of study. I have my own style too! My study style is very relax and enjoying. I will rest when I feel tired and tension, sleep when I feel sleepy and playing game and internet when have time. However, when I'm studying I will focus on it, if get disturbed I will do it all over again so that I'm really understand it. That is my style, so you must have your own style too. Don't try to intimidate others style of study, cause you can't really follow it! I know just because I have try it before, so don't kill yourself. Find your way of studying, it will help you a lot. :) Keep trying even if you fail, that is what we must do.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mathematic T1..

Form Six syllabus, Mathematics is the subject that you must focus on. This subject is divided into two parts, Mathematics T1 and Mathematics T2. Now we focus on Mathematics T1 first.

Talking about Mathematics, we can't really escape from one thing, that is PRACTICE. Practice is very important in Mathematics, lot of practices made you more perfect. In Mathematics, many formulae are involved. Since we study Additional Mathematics in Form Four and Form Five, then I'm sure that we already realized there are so many formulae. And, the formulae increase when you are studying in Form Six.

Well, we no need to scare about the formulae. Actually, we no need to memorize all the formulae given. Sometimes, there are formulae that you can easily get just by referring to certain simple formulae. For example, if you need to integrate 'tan x', then all you have to do is just by using the concept of changing 'tan x' into 'sin x/cos x' follow by other steps and you can complete it. All these skills you can get when you do a lot of practices. Practice makes perfect.

In Mathematics T1, the whole set of examination paper has 12 questions. From number 1 to number 6 are the questions that you can score full marks on it, and you will easily get at least B for your Mathematics T1. Up to number 7 and number 12 are the questions that you can't really hope to get full mark, cause the answers you must give are a little longer and more steps. So, the probability of doing mistakes are there. However, if you can get about half out of the full marks at this section, you can already score at least A- for your Mathematics T1. So, is it difficult to do so?

Well, it is difficult if you don't have a lot of practices. I do a lot of exercises till I feel very bored to certain questions, but I still continue to do it. I have many references books and exercises books, so I can do as much as practices as I can. But, for sure, I can't finish all alone. If you want to know how much have I do questions, I can only tell you that it only two big ring files. I left that treasure of mine in my school, so you can take a look at it.

My advise here is, Mathematics T1 is nothing for you to worry to much cause all you need to do is practicing. Keep practices if you don't understand, we can do everything if we do struggle on it. The problem is our determination is not there, do half work and left it there. Is it worth? Don't waste your time study form six science if you just want to try your luck. Give your effort, not luck!!

Friday, May 7, 2010


Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes.

In STPM examination syllabus, Chemistry is divided into three main parts of study, physical chemistry, organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry. In order to score well in your Chemistry paper, you have to study all these three parts. However, if you want to score excellence in this paper, you have to master all these parts.

Physical chemistry is more to calculation, and the basic of calculation we have learned about it during Form Four and Form Five. Well, there maybe some new facts that we study under Form Six, however what we learned is the continued part of what we study in Secondary School. So, if you can't score well in physical chemistry, you have to remind back what you have learned before, ask your junior about what they have learned during they are in Form Four or Form Five. Take their textbooks and read it over again so that you can master the basic calculation such as how to calculate the number of mole. Do you remember all the formulae to calculate mole? Well, there are many ways to do it!! Discover it yourself.

Organic chemistry maybe new to some of us. However, we actually have learned about it too when we under Form Four or Form Five, but we only learned a little bit only. The processes, the naming of alkane, alkene and etc. In Form Six lessons, we also learned the processes but we learn more about it. The mechanism of reactions, the conditions that we must know so that the reactions can take place and many more. However, if you notice about it, you will find organic chemistry is the easiest to study. All the processes involved the same thing, even the mechanism also almost alike. At first, I also feel so 'ma fan' need to study about organic chemistry, need to memorise many formula, conditions and reactants involved. But, after sometimes, I start to love it, and can score very high for it. It is so easy, have a good time to study it!!

Inorganic chemistry, we study about the periodic table. Well, I admit that I hate this field of chemistry. Many we need to memorise, and it is quiet boring though. However, we can't abandoned inorganic chemistry, cause we need to face it both in paper 1 and paper 2 of chemistry paper. And some of the questions given are easy sometimes, so why don't you have a good try in this inorganic chemistry? It is not you must master all topics but at least you must score some topics.

Chemistry, is the study of matter. When we get to know about chemistry more, we will discover about ourselves more. So keep on it, even though you don't like chemistry, you can't avoid it. And of course, if you really hate chemistry, don't try to force yourself to love it, cause it may hurt you. :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Stress is unavoidable in our life, either you are working or studying, you will face this condition. However, you must always know how to handle stress when it comes over you.

In study, stress will either benefit or harm you, it is all depends on how you are going to manage it.

During I was Form 5, I had one friend of mine that like to compete with me no matter how hard he must studied. He sure studied very hard, and sometimes I really feel sorry to him. Why did he must compete with me so badly? He can't won this race already even if he study till midnight and not sleeping. I never tried to tell him what in my mind, cause I don't want to make him feels sad. This is one of the source of stress. There is someone better than you and you want to win over him, this condition will lead to stress.

When I was study Form Six, the condition that I faced during my Form Five did not happen. I was one of the top students in that school. Luckily, I got good result for my STPM examination. I left over my juniors in that school and even now, I still very close to my juniors. Not because they are pretty or I like one of them, but just because there are not many of them altogether. My observations showed that the condition that I faced during my Form Five appear again in my junior year. Huh..I feel really sorry for this condition.

Well, there is many ways of handling our stress. One of the most effective method is telling your problems to someone else. This will lessen your burden as well as keep you not to think too much. However, not many can do this kind of thing. This is because you have to own a really close friend so that you can tell them your problems and I admit that it is really hard to find a real friend in your world. So, this way of handling stress is not really applicable.

Another way to handle your stress is by doing something that you really love to do when you are feeling stress. For example, I like to listen song when I feel stress, so whenever I feel tension, I will bring out my MP3 and listen to songs. The most important in my life is music, I love it very much!!

My advice here is it not use compete with other in stressful manner, just face with your opponent by relax mind and eliminate all feelings that make you like to win over your opponent. Remember that we can't always win in our life, actually the most you fall, the highest chances you will gain your success one day. Keep stress away one day can make your life happier, smile for the world and the world will smile for you. :)

Monday, May 3, 2010


During our school time, study is something very hard and boring. There will always have obstacles if we want to study hard. Entertainments, house works, and family disturbances(if you have younger siblings) are unavoidable. However, if you say that your friends disturb your study, it is avoidable because you can simply chase them away and keep on your study.

My lovely 'kan' sister says that she understands about what she studied about when teacher teaches her, but in the real examinations, usually she can't do it. Why is this happens? Well, this is a normal condition for almost all students in the world but not for a real genius who will directly get what he or she learns on that day.

If you want to know the exact problem of most students face with, then I can only say that they don't have enough practices. Sometimes we may say we already understand about something but we must also ask ourselves, can we teach what we understand to others and make them understand as well? Can we do what we understand in the real examination with minimal difficulties? If we say yes to both conditions, then it is a proof that we really understand what we have learned. However, the truth now is we say we understand about certain topic, but the problem is we don't know how to teach it to other. We only know how to say yes when teacher asked," Did you understand I teach you?" Actually, this is our main weakness.

Teaching? Is it difficult? If you want to know the answer, then you just go and ask your teacher. If they say it is easy, then the teacher sure just simply teaches their students in their whole life time as a teacher. But, if they say teaching is something difficult, I can say that the teacher is a good teacher. This is because teaching is a profession that need you full understanding about what you are going to teach. If you yourself don't understand about what you teach, then how will you expect your students to understand you? Sure they will come and ask you if they don't understand. That is why in our study also, we must learn how to teach others as well. Teaching will only make us understand about what we have learned more, and nothing will become less in your mind. Teaching your friends in study group or in class, you can improve your skills a lot and sometimes you can learn new skill. Wow, it is interesting right? It is not necessary that you need to make your friends to understand all things at once, but just let them can do what is important first. For example, in mathematics, all you need to do is give your friends the tips how to do the first step(if they are really weak students), and it is not necessary to teach them until they can finish the questions cause I know that it will become your task to do it till finish. So, I think that it is hopeless and unmeaningful.

However, before you are qualified to teach others, you must do a lot of practice first. I am one of the ex-STPM candidates, so I know the difficulties in studying science subjects. The questions are unpredictable and difficult too. I have done a lot of exercises till I get bored with the questions already, but we must go on with the questions cause some questions may have the same answer but different ways of stating the questions make us nervous. So, practice is a must in study. Do it till you are bored, then you will have greater understanding and chances in exam too. So, good luck in your study and all the best, keep following this blog.