Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lets Get It Started..!!

When I was Form 3, my PMR result was not really good, lack one A for English Language, I admit that my English was not that good. During end of the year, I remember I followed my uncle went to KB to buy something. My uncle brought me to a book store, and asked what I wanted to buy and I took three reference books altogether, Physics, Chemistry And Additional Mathematics. After going back to home, I opened the books and started to read it. Wah, I was not understand anything at all. However, I read those books again and again, and somehow I was able to understand some of the topics. Year 2006 has come, I was already Form 4 that time. When I entered class of Additional Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, I found out that what I was going to learn was not something new, just because I have studied it before. Not to show how good I was, my Additional Mathematics mark was always 90++.

We always heard that we need to study before teachers taught us, but have we done it before? Moreover, how we can actually do it?

Form Six is not a playground for us, especially when we are under Lower Six. What we are going to learn during Lower Six is easier topics than what we are going to learn during Upper Six, and most of the topics we learn during Lower Six is basic for the topics for Upper Six. Many of us always think that for what we study hard for Lower Six, maybe we can get any offers from university after this, so they will just play during Lower Six. However, you may not understand what the word 'maybe' means. 'Maybe' means that it is not 100% you will get the offer, so can you really hope for that? If you are playing during Lower Six, then you are actually killed yourself during Upper Six.

To be well prepared is the most important in Form Six. What we are going to learn is something that we must prepare for it. You can manage your timetable yourself so that you are well prepared when you enter class tomorrow. Here is some good tips to arrange your own timetable:
1. Refer to your school timetable and make your own timetable.
2. Example, if your school timetable stated that you are going to have Mathematics T1 lesson tomorrow, then your timetable will have one slot for Mathematics T1 today.
3. Try to make a timetable that is not too stressful for yourself, if not it will 'kill' yourself.
4. Insert some entertainments in your timetable so that you can relax yourself and release tension.

There are many benefits when you are well prepared before teachers teach you. You can ask what we don't understand on the spot. Instead, if you don't know anything about the topics yet, you can't ask anything and will continue to confuse in your study. In addition, you can understand more about certain topics more clearly and you can teach others. These will make you better and better. So, don't even try to let yourself lazy to prepare before teachers teach. Malay saying 'sediakan payung sebelum hujan' is quite useful to make yourself better. Be well prepared and become a good student. Score well huh!

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